Train Your Staff Online With Our IT & Software Courses
Microsoft offers some of the most widely used software packages in the world. That's why at Filtered we train businesses in a number of Microsoft applications and help them maximise learning time and increase productivity. Our suite of IT & Software training courses includes Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Outlook and SharePoint.
Microsoft Excel
In this course we’ve reviewed Excel's 500 functions, ruthlessly stripping out all non-essentials, to arrive at a highly refined syllabus. The course will teach your staff key Excel features including data handling and manipulation, analysis and presentation, and useful functions such as Macros, PivotTables and conditional formatting.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Expect high quality presentations from your team! Our online PowerPoint course teaches everything you need to know to put together outstanding presentations that will win new business. From basic principles of slide design to advanced animation to increase impact and engagement – get your team started today!
Microsoft Word
Whether your business uses Word to produce simple documents or longer, more complicated reports, there's certainly a lot more to learn about Word. For occasional users this might be through learning shortcuts or finding the most efficient methods; for more experienced users, there are dozens of advanced techniques to explore, as well as keeping up to date with the program.
Advanced Excel
Some of your staff might already be familiar with Excel, but our Advanced Excel course will really take their skills to the next level. From usage of PowerPivots, advanced graphics and presentation techniques to spreadsheeting automation through Macros and Visual Basic, this course will turn your staff into Excel gurus in no time.
Microsoft Outlook
In many offices too much time is lost on Microsoft Outlook. Train your staff to become better organised, discover principles and techniques for better email, contact, calendar and task management.
Microsoft SharePoint
Over 78% of Fortune 500 companies use SharePoint, with an average of 20,000 new users added each day. Teach your team to use Microsoft's content management platform to collaborate in teams, oversee projects, manage tasks effectively and communicate efficiently.

- Carefully designed questions are asked at the outset to understand each user’s knowledge and needs.
- These inputs are used by Filtered's algorithm to filter out any material the user doesn't need or already knows.
- This leaves a precise, achievable learning objective (often just a few hours), customized for each learner.
- Businesses can further modify the Filtered syllabus, selecting precise units or modules to suit the needs of particular staff or departments.

- Filtered courses are organised into sections, units and modules. The smallest of these - modules - are typically a few pages long, self-contained and can be studied in any order. The capstone of a module is the 'Accelerator' - a quick summary intended for learners with some familiarity with the content.
- Course authors are hand-picked authorities in their field. Content is constantly refined and updated with intelligence on new focus and user feedback.
- Materials include text, screenshots, interactive screenshots, exercises, tests and video.

- A comprehensive and user-friendly dashboard presents all main facets of user progress.
- For businesses a company-wide dashboard is also available which presents progress for all users within that business.
- IQ-style testing and scores (where 100 is the average) bring a precision to skills measurement and a basis on which to assess improvement. These tests are typically taken at the start and end of the course.
- Filtered accreditation is independently certified by the CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Certification Service.
Text and Illustrations
We Use text and still images to outline the basic principles and of the subject matter, and explain how and why to use specific functions.
Filtered Courses use a mixture of audio and non-audio videos to ensure our courses are as engaging and balanced as possible. Our videos give a firsthand visual tutorial within the software.
Interactive Testing
End of unit quizzes ensure your gained knowledge is constantly tested and measured.
+44 (0)20 7729 9043

Learner Benefits
Filtered is designed to strengthen your IT, business and presentation skills, improve your CV, prepare your next appraisal and increase your career prospects incredibly quickly. We find out what you already know and exclude it from your course, saving you time and boosting your productivity.
We do this by asking questions at the outset to test your current knowledge, filter out anything you already know and deliver the most relevant modules to you.

Business Benefits
Training can be costly as well as an enormous drain on time and resources. Filtered's solution achieves cost and time efficiency by removing known or unneeded subject matter – Filtered courses can be completed in approximately half the time of standard unfiltered courses.
Company dashboards allow businesses to track on monitor the progress and improvement of staff and provide real time data to allow you to see your return on investment.
Filtered Courses can also be customised both at a business and group level, allowing you to create highly focussed courses for different areas of the organisation.