Request a demo

Refocus content library procurement based on your organisation's priority skills


See an objective benchmark, tailored to your organisational preferences


Free up 30% of misaligned content spend and reinvest into skill development

Buying learning content is like playing roulette

You are just taking your chances it will all work out. Those days are over. It’s time to use data to help determine the ideal content with the best-matched skills for your organisation.

Buying learning content

Make data-driven content procurement decisions

Define your priority skills using data

Use a nuanced, appropriate skill framework that you can sell to your organisation.

your priority skills

Benchmark libraries against skills

Run content data against skills to understand strengths, gaps, and possible overlap. Assess existing libraries versus the wider content marketplace.

Benchmark Libraries

Make smarter procurement decisions

Cut out duplicate and misaligned content. Find the best libraries for your organisation. Negotiate with strength.

Better Procurement
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Get the best return on your L&D spend.