Learning Insights | Filtered | Content Intelligence

Taming Pathway Chaos: New Pathway Auditing Service

Written by Tom Stanley | Sep 6, 2024 9:33:29 AM

At Filtered, we understand the value of simplicity. In a world where more is often seen as better, we believe that less is more — especially when it comes to corporate learning.

Does your organisation really need to focus on 1,000 skills, or is there more value in targeting the top 50 most strategic skills that matter right now? Do you really need hundreds of thousands of scattered content pieces, or would 10,000 highly relevant ones better serve your workforce?

We've addressed these questions before, and today we’re excited to tackle the next challenge: learning pathways. If you’ve curated learning paths for years and are now overwhelmed by them, then our new Pathway Audit Service is right for you.

Understanding Pathway Chaos

Learning designers excel at creating learning paths to drive skill development. However, without proper oversight and regular audits, these paths can become outdated, redundant, or irrelevant. This is what we call Pathway Chaos — a state where thousands of learning paths, created to support past initiatives, clog up your learning systems and obstruct progress.

You’re likely familiar with the term Content Chaos, but pathway chaos is just as significant, and it’s what our Pathway Audit Service is designed to solve.

What does Filtered’s Pathway Audit do?

At Filtered, our expertise lies in matching content to skills, and that includes the content within your learning pathways. We assess your learning paths and ensure they are aligned with the skills that matter most to your business, while identifying and eliminating the ones that don’t.

Through advanced data analysis, we offer actionable insights into your current learning content. Using our best-in-class tagging algorithms, we give you a clear picture of how well your pathways cover your strategic skills and identify any gaps or excess.

Our audit process leverages your learning systems' API and existing usage data to streamline the effort and time required from your team. By integrating directly with learning systems, we significantly cut down the manual effort involved, providing faster and more accurate insights into your learning pathways which reflect the latest data.

One of our Pathway Audit clients, Swisscom, shared their feedback on the service:

"It was a great pleasure to work with you... I believe this project has a lot of value in terms of being beneficial for Swisscom employees and for us in making the learning experience really a pleasure. You did a really great job in helping us achieve that objective." — Marcel Zollinger, L&D Expert, Swisscom

How it works

Our process is simple yet powerful:

  1. We gather your learning pathways from wherever it’s stored — whether it’s in an LXP, LMS, or other systems.
  2. Instant analysis begins. Filtered’s tagging algorithms immediately assess your pathways and map them to your most critical skills.
  3. In-depth data analysis follows, taking into account factors like usage data, edit history, and engagement levels. This step gives a holistic view of what’s up-to-date and what has been neglected.
  4. You receive a comprehensive report and actionable recommendations. We highlight pathways that need attention and offer solutions to streamline your learning system.
  5. Ongoing support and follow-up to ensure your system remains optimised and effective.

Real-world results

We’ve already been delivering this service to clients with excellent results. In a recent project, we analysed over 3,400 learning pathways spanning five years. Here’s what we found:

  • 1,737 pathways hadn’t been updated in the last 12 months and required attention.
  • 1,698 pathways had too few or too many assets, falling outside the healthy range of 5 to 25 assets.
  • 979 pathways were orphaned, meaning no active collaborators or owners.
  • 3,000 pathways showed no engagement over the past 6 months, indicating redundancy or lack of relevance.

With these insights, our client was able to streamline their system, focusing on the pathways that mattered most and removing clutter that was holding back their learning initiatives.

Why choose Filtered?

If you find yourself wading through thousands of outdated, underperforming, or irrelevant learning pathways, Filtered can help you regain control. Our Pathway Audit Service ensures that your learning paths are aligned with your current strategy, helping your organisation deliver impactful learning that drives real skill development.

Whether you're already part of the Filtered family or exploring our services for the first time, reach out to us today and discover how we can help optimise your learning delivery.

So if you, like many others, are wading neck deep in pathway chaos Filtered can lend you a paddle to get a hold of what you have and streamline it to really deliver on your skills strategy.

Whether you are already a Filtered organisation or not, get in touch to see how Filtered's Pathway Auditing service can help.