(Note: spending end-of-year budget with Filtered has traditionally brought success to our clients. Rather than using the remaining cash to add to your content pile or your tech stack, Filtered can give you a rapid stock-take of what content you have and how it relates to your skills, to help inform and clarify your 2024 plans. I wanted to say this upfront to plant that thought but also get Filtered’s vested interest out of the way!)
There are 72 days left in 2023. That’s just over 10 weeks. The year is more than 80% complete.
The fiscal year of most (76%) large companies coincides with the calendar year. At this time of year, then, many of us with budgetary responsibilities are therefore reviewing what’s been spent and what might still be spent. The maxim of ‘use-it-or-lose-it’ has more than a ring of truth to it: budgets are largely based on the size of the previous year’s spend. Use it this year or lose it for next.
At the same time, none of us wants to waste money and any spend is rightly subject to scrutiny. So here are some factors to consider when choosing how you might spend any remaining budget you have.
So whether you’re thinking of spending on staff, content, consultancy, data, technology, or classroom training (or Filtered’s clarifying insights), consider adapting the above to serve as a scorecard (give each spend idea a score for each of the factors listed above) to make your decisions.
Vote in LinkedIn poll about spending end-of-year budget.